TTMF’s 10th Anniversary “Celebration of Miracles” Gala

Date: Friday, April 24, 2015

Time: 6:30 PM

Location: Wee Burn Country Club, Darien, CT

Thanks to all the wonderful supporters and guests who joined us at our gala!  We had a sellout crowd of 300 people and raised over $250,000 for our programs! Enjoy the 10 year celebration video which was produced for the gala event.

The evening included dinner, dancing and a dynamic silent and live auction for 300 attendees, raising over $250,000 for the charity. It was an evening filled with emotional speeches, an inspiring video and was a true celebration of milestones and accomplishments of the organization. TTMF presented their first “Miracle Maker” awards to the following honorees: Robert Herzlinger, MD (Bridgeport Hospital), Gerald Rakos, MD and Kathy Livolsi, RNC (Stamford Hospital), Mary Alice Cullen, RN and Pamela Carola Dion, MHA (Danbury Hospital-WCHN) and Jeryl Topalian, MS (Norwalk Hospital-WCHN) in appreciation for their years of dedication to families of premature babies and the mission of The Tiny Miracles Foundation.

The Tiny Miracles Foundation recognizes and is thankful for the support of their many private and corporate sponsors including: Baywater Properties, Bridgeport Hospital, Broder and Orland, LLC, Houlihan Lawrence, Dr. Jareef Jandali, Stamford Hospital, Webster Bank and Western Connecticut Health Network, Diageo, Ketel One® Vodka, Nestlé Waters North America, PALM Breweries/Radeberger Gruppe and Pisco Porton.

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