Jones, Brooke

Bridgeport Hospital, St. Vincent’s Medical Center, Yale New Haven Children's Hospital

Preemie’s Name: Kenzo
Hospital: Yale New Haven Children’s Hospital
Gestation: 27 weeks
Weight:  1 lbs. 8oz
Days in Hospital: 
Date of Birth:
June 1, 2018

Brooke gave birth to her son Kenzo at 27 weeks gestation at Yale New Haven Hospital in 2018. 

Kenzo was born emergency c-section due to Brooke developing pre-eclampsia and there being little to no amniotic fluid for Kenzo to thrive. Throughout Kenzo’s NICU stay, Brooke developed many connections with her medical team, fellow NICU neighbors whom she still is connected with, and her wonderful Tiny Miracles mentor. Having the support from so many during such a difficult time pushed Brooke to want to give back in any way she could. She began attending events and got on board with becoming a mentor in 2021. Kenzo has grown to be such an energetic and sweet little one who loves to read, color, venture outdoors on the playground, and just recently began swim lessons. He’s such a great helper at home and in school as well. 

Brooke enjoys connecting with parents in the NICU. Although the time may be hard for the parents, the connection that’s made with someone who has been on the journey resonates differently.