Oscar Mattias

Born at 29 weeks 5 days weighing 3.8 lbs. 16″ long.

Oscar Mattias Jones was born on August 21, 2012. He was not expected until November 1, so it was a very early appearance for our littlest man. At birth (29weeks5days) he weighed 3.8 lbs (huge for that stage of pregnancy) and measured 16″ long. He was lovingly cared for by the wonderful staff at the Stamford Hospital NICU. We wanted to create a place where we could update the many friends and family members who contact us wondering what the latest on little O is. Through the Tiny Miracles Foundation and LeeLee Klein I learned of CarePages, a wonderful blog-esque site where I posted daily entries throughout the duration of Oscar’s hospitalization. As many of you (fortunately) may not know, each day in the life of an extremely premature infant is a milestone, and we wanted to share the amazing progress Oscar was making every 24 hrs. We were and are so grateful for everyone’s concern. The support was so helpful and we felt bad when we couldn’t respond to everyone’s loving texts, emails and phone calls. We hoped that our Care Page would help provide an avenue for those interested to feel part of this process to get Oscar big and healthy enough to come home.

Oscar is my fourth son. I should clarify, he’s my third living son. On July 3rd 2011 I lost my third son Axel at nearly 20 weeks to premature rupture of membrane, which was caused by among other things, a large blood clot in my uterus. He was perfectly healthy. He died in utero during the four days it took to understand that the sky was crashing down on us. So Oscar is our prize. Our blog worthy brass ring of a baby. He joined his older brothers Colton and Lucca to round out our crazy household.

Oscar did come home on September 29, 2012 after 39 days in the NICU. It felt like an eternity of course but in reality it was an early departure for Oscar due to his good health and his lucky lot in life to come home to a family educated on his care and willing to do whatever it takes to keep him healthy. This blog is an extension of my Care Page experience. All of the entries from those Care Pages are also found here, in the October 2012 Archive.

I know there is something worth celebrating here. I want to continue to transpose these experiences with my three boys I feel so lucky to have.
