Nina Isabella

Born at 28 weeks, 1lb. 8oz

Little Nina greeted the world after only 28 weeks and weighing 1lb. 6oz.  Mom, Christine, was taken by surprise by the early birth. TTMF mentors were there with Mom, sharing their stories, listening to her concerns, answering questions, and offering hope. The NICU became a second home and Christine shared that our Resource Room was a “wonderful place” where she met other moms, heard stories, and shared information. Particularly valuable was the fact that through the Resource Room, Christine and other moms bonded together. As Christine later told us, “Preemie moms have a special bond.”

Christine’s own words sum it all up, “From the moment she arrived we knew she was a fighter… Moment by moment, day by day, Nina steadily grew stronger. We learned quickly, two steps forward, one step back. But nothing stopped Nina from achieving her goal — coming home.” Nina is now approaching 6 months and has passed the 10-pound mark. She is healthy and happy.

Nina is just one of the many miracles we at TTMF are fortunate to witness. We wish Nina and Christine all the best and welcome them into our special family.