Christiano Gino

Born at 28 weeks, weighing 2 lbs 9 oz

In January of 2012 Loretta M. was shocked to go into labor at 28 weeks. Her son was born the following day at 2 lbs 9 oz. Loretta remembers, “Our two month journey in the Bridgeport NICU was unbelievably tough! It was the roller coaster ride that you never want to take. We spent our days and nights there, watching our baby grow. There were good days and bad days. I remember meeting Leelee from Tiny Miracles during one of those bad days. She made me feel so normal! As we talked I realized that Leelee was also a preemie mom and could understand what I was going through. She knew what I was feeling.”

Lorretta enjoyed TTMF’s Welcome Bag. “I was also given a bag with things to make our hospital stay easier. That’s where I found my stress reliever. There was a journal in the bag to keep track of all our preemies moments and stats in the hospital. I put all my feelings into that journal. If helped me to see how far Cristiano had come. I would document every pound gained, oxygen level decreased and every first until it was time for my baby boy to come home. I still take out my journal when I’m having a bad day to remind me how far my son has come.”

Lorretta commented on the TTMF Resource Room, “My husband did not do well being inside the NICU for too long. He couldn’t handle all of the beeps and scares. He was able to go into the family room each day, watch TV and take his mind off things for a few minutes but only be a second away from his son.”

Two years later Loretta reflects: “I am happy to say that Cristiano is now a two and a half year old active happy boy. We have met so many incredible people from the amazing nurses and doctors who have become our lifelong friends to the once strangers who became our rocks and helped us through the most difficult times in our lives.”