Prematurity Resources

Prematurity Support Services in Fairfield County

The Tiny Miracles Foundation – Mentoring for Parents of Preemies
Caring parent mentors who have had premature babies in the NICU, available by phone, email or in person at our local NICUs to offer comfort and support.

Online Prematurity Support

There are thousands of online prematurity support websites; here are a few that we have found to be most helpful to the parents we have helped.

The Tiny Miracles Foundation – TTMF
Articles, resources, supplies and support for parents who have preemies. Resources geared toward CT
area, particularly Fairfield County.

Preemies Today
Supports families through the medical, emotional, financial and social challenges of a premature birth.

National Coalition for Infant Health
Education and advocacy on behalf of premature infants from birth to age two.

Resources, articles and even signs for when you bring your preemie home.

Preemie Babies Blog
Parent blog inspired by the many diverse experiences that are common to parents of preemies.

Facebook Support Groups

Most of these are closed Facebook Groups. You must put in a request in order to join.

Moms of Preemies
A social support group for mothers of preemies in Fairfield County.

Preemie and NICU Family Support and Guidance
A place where NICU and Preemie families can share the experiences they have had with their preemies.

Micro Preemie Support Network
A support group for parents and legal guardians of babies born from 21 through 28 weeks gestation.

Preemie Moms Breastfeeding Support
Sometimes when Preemie moms need help pumping and/or breastfeeding it helps to have other moms who have done it. This is a group to support each other whether you have just entered NICU life or are done with the NICU.

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