TTMF’s programs were designed by parents of premature babies for
parents of premature babies. Discover programs and services that will help guide you on this emotional journey.

Peer Parent Mentors

Studies show Peer To Peer parent support can significantly improve your emotional journey while you care for your baby in the NICU.

Our in-hospital parent mentors are caring preemie parents who offer one-on-one or group support on-site in the NICU. Each of our volunteer parent mentors have completed training in parental support as well as hospital protocol. They visit families in the NICU once weekly or by request. All information is kept strictly confidential. Please let your nurse, social worker or physician know if you would like to meet with a TTMF parent mentor.

Meet Our Mentors

Members Only Facebook Group: Moms of Preemies - Fairfield and New Haven Counties, CT

This private Facebook Group is a support group for for mothers of premature babies who live in Fairfield and New Haven Counties in Connecticut.  This online group is hosted by The Tiny Miracles Foundation and led by fellow mothers of premature babies.  Developed to foster connections within the community, the mothers in this group warmly give support, share joys and struggles with one another, and offer local resources.  This Facebook group was created as a safe space for non-judgmental and thoughtful discussion.

Yo will be asked questions to join the group.

Visit Group

Family Resource Rooms

TTMF’s Family Resource Rooms are located in or near the NICUs of our partner hospitals in Bridgeport, Danbury, Norwalk, Stamford and St. Vincent’s Medical Center. These rooms are comfortable, private settings where families can take a break during NICU visits, meet TTMF mentors, connect with other NICU families, browse the resource library, seek solitude, and enjoy our Nutritional Support Snack Program. It is a space for solace and support. It is also a place to find answers to your questions. Our educational resources have been carefully selected to help you on your journey. The rooms include internet access, charging station, television, toys for siblings and light refreshments. The Resource Rooms are open 24 hours a day and are accessible only to NICU families, staff and TTMF mentors.

Our Nutritional Support Program is also available in the resource rooms or just inside the NICU. Look for the TTMF heart logo on the white snack bags and enjoy a healthy snack and beverage to help you support your energy during your time in the NICU.


Blankets for Preemies

We provide colorful, fleece handmade blankets to Bridgeport, Danbury, Norwalk, and Stamford Hospitals and St. Vincent’s Medical Center’s neonatal units. Our community youth groups and the middle school students in Darien and Wilton, Connecticut volunteer their time to make these blankets for us each year. 

These blankets are:

  • A tool for nurses to keep the incubators dark and quiet, which helps the brain development of the fragile babies who are experiencing sight and sound too early
  • A visual guide to the parents who arrive in a crowded room of incubators to find their baby
  • A warmer for when parents hold their baby outside the incubators using Kangaroo Care
  • A gift that has special memories for the baby’s family to cherish as a keepsake forever
  • A comfort to fragile new parents from people who care

Tiny Treasures Supply Bags

TTMF provides Tiny Treasures Welcome Bags of supplies for when your child/children are first admitted to the hospital, and Home Care Starter Kits of preemie-sized supplies for the happy day that you get to bring your baby or babies home. These bags are supplied to all parents of premature babies in Bridgeport, Danbury, Norwalk and Stamford Hospitals, St. Vincent’s Medical Center, and Yale New Haven Children’s Hospital.

The Tiny Treasures Welcome Bag includes a Snoedel® baby bonding doll, NICU Journal, board book, milestone cards, breastfeeding supplies, and important information about our programs and services.

The Home Care Starter Kit includes hard-to-find preemie-sized items such as onesies, sleep gowns, swaddling blankets, skincare and other supplies, as well as information helpful for caring for your baby at home.

Parents of premature babies from Fairfield and New Haven County, Connecticut sometimes have babies in surrounding area hospitals, where TTMF does not provide programs. Families and friends are encouraged to contact us at to mail these bags and support materials to fragile parents from our community.

Financial Assistance

TTMF’s Financial Assistance Program helps qualifying families in need at Bridgeport, Danbury, Norwalk, and Stamford Hospitals, St. Vincent’s Medical Center, and Yale New Haven Children’s Hospital. It is intended to defray non-medical costs that arise in connection with the extended hospitalization of a premature baby. The program offers assistance to families who have significant loss of income as a result of a difficult pregnancy and premature birth. Types of support could include rental or mortgage assistance, utility support, transportation to and from hospital, and basic infant equipment. To find out more or to apply for financial assistance, please talk to the social worker at your NICU.  This program is only available through hospital social workers at our partner hospitals in Fairfield and New Haven Counties in Connecticut.


Supportive Counseling

Skilled clinical social workers are available to provide supplementary emotional support in person or remotely as needed.


Resources and Supplies

We have compiled this list of internet websites and local Connecticut resources to help you find supplies or services you may need to care for your miracle baby.

View Our List of Resources

Parent Connection Groups

Support groups are an important part of your journey.  Parents, family members, friends and experts can provide helpful resources from their first hand experience.

More importantly, these connection groups not only can empathize but genuinely understand your journey.  We understand that a solid support network is essential. Over the years we have created and engaged in many different groups and want to make this important network available to you as well. 

TTMF hosts these parent connection groups periodically at our partner hospitals as a means for parents to meet and share their experiences while their baby is in the NICU.