Megan Nisenson is Family Therapist located in Westport, CT. In her confidential private practice, Megan specializes in helping postpartum moms, supporting families and couples through difficult transitions, adolescence, and women's issues.
Helps new parents learn how to care for their babies and adjust to the demands of becoming a parent; offers home visiting and parent support groups.
The Families Network of Western Connecticut (FNWC) is the Danbury leg of Nurturing Families. They have Spanish and English speaking home visitors and is available to famiies with infants under 4 months.
Kimberly O'Connor is a Licensed Marriage and Family Therapist with over ten years experience providing counseling and support in school, community and clinical settings throughout Connecticut.
Dr. Nancy O'Hara and Dr. Gail Szakacs work with adults and children to integrate their therapies, medications, and other interventions in a thorough and holistic fashion. Other chronic illnesses we address include, but are not limited to, gastrointestinal disorders, chronic or recurrent infections, food sensitivities, allergies, Chronic Fatigue Syndrome, Lyme disease, chronic strep/ PANDAS, autoimmune disorders, metabolic disorders, and malnutrition. Specializes with PDD and Autism.