Dr. Nancy O'Hara and Dr. Gail Szakacs work with adults and children to integrate their therapies, medications, and other interventions in a thorough and holistic fashion. Other chronic illnesses we address include, but are not limited to, gastrointestinal disorders, chronic or recurrent infections, food sensitivities, allergies, Chronic Fatigue Syndrome, Lyme disease, chronic strep/ PANDAS, autoimmune disorders, metabolic disorders, and malnutrition. Specializes with PDD and Autism.
The Developmental Pediatrics practice is devoted to evaluation and treatment of children whose developmental progress is of concern. Among these are children with language delays, autistic spectrum disorders, mental retardation, motor dysfunction, learning disorders, Attention Deficits, and others. There is also an emphasis on Developmental Screening and early provision of services integrated with the family's local community resources. Ongoing monitoring of Developmental Progress is encouraged.
US News Top CT Doctors; Affiliated with Yale-New Haven Hospital; specializing in Learning Disorders and Dyslexia
Affiliated with Bridgeport Hospital.
Dr. Weitzman, is a board-certified and nationally recognized leader in Developmental-Behavioral Pediatrics. She has been a member of the faculty at Yale for 25 years and is a Professor of Pediatrics. She directed the section of DBP at Yale and the DBP fellowship program. She has been named as a Top Doctor in CT and nationally. Dr. Weitzman has recently become the Director of the Autism Spectrum Center at Boston Children's Hospital and will split her time between CT and Ma. Boston Children's Hospital is the leading Autism Center in the United States and the leaders in developing the Autism Friendly Hospital initiative. Dr. Weitzman evaluates children using state of the art assessments and believes in using a family-centered approach to care. She has expertise in working with adopted and foster children, providing medication and behavioral management, school consultation, etc. and believes that all children are unique and have the capacity to make valuable contributions to the world.